
Employees disposing of gas cylinders

Disposal of gas cylinders: leave it to the experts

When it comes to the recycling and disposal of gas cylinders, you need a partner with a wealth of experience and expertise at your side. This is where REMONDIS Industrie Service comes in. Drawing on several generations of experience, REMONDIS is the first port of call for international waste providers who want to leave their specialist gases disposal needs in the best possible hands.

To find out what we can do for you, please e-mail us

Safe and sustainable gas cylinder disposal with REMONDIS Industrie Service

Gas disposal: specialized expertise for safe and sustainable solutions

When it comes to the disposal of gases and gas cylinders, REMONDIS Industrie Service stands out as a highly specialized provider in Europe. With strict guidelines in place for the safe and environmentally friendly disposal of hazardous waste, REMONDIS utilizes state-of-the-art technology to ensure proper gas disposal and recycling of metal scrap from cylinders. As industrial gases play a vital role in various sectors such as manufacturing, chemical, automotive, and even in laboratories and households, waste management companies often rely on trusted partners like REMONDIS for gas cylinder disposal. With limited availability of technology and expertise in the international market, REMONDIS emerges as the partner of choice, equipped to handle this complex task efficiently and responsibly.

With years of experience and a commitment to following regulations, REMONDIS Industrie Service is dedicated to providing safe and sustainable solutions for gas disposal needs. Contact us to discover how our expertise can benefit your waste management operations.

In most cases, we dispose of gases by incinerating them or alternatively by scrubbing and then, dissolving them

Disposal of gas cylinders vs. aerosol can recycling

The proceedings of gas cylinder and aerosol can recycling have a few differences: While gases are disposed of using the D procedure, spray cans are recycled with the R procedure. Gases come in larger containers and are emptied by pressure and then burned or scrubbed directly – aerosol can propellants are more often recycled and used for energy production.

Find out more about our solutions for aerosol can recycling

Please e-mail us with the relevant details and we will be in touch directly to confirm whether we can dispose of the gas in question.

Disposal of greenhouse gases and ozone-depleting substances (ODS): the safe and simple solution

As well as recycling gas bottles and gas cylinders, REMONDIS specialises in the disposal of refrigerant gas – environmentally harmful greenhouse gases such as CFCs or HCFCs. These ozone-depleting refrigerant gases are found in fridges, air-conditioners and virtually all other cooling appliances. Customers submit these gases to our plants in gas cylinders, ISO tanks and other container forms. Our Destruction and Removal Efficiency (DRE) is monitored and documented constantly, ensuring that our performance is consistently high. The following graphic illustrates the environmentally friendly process we use for dismantling and treating cooling appliances and recycling the separated gases:

REMONDIS Industrie Service: Your Partner for safe and responsible gas disposal

REMONDIS Industrie Service: Your Partner for safe and responsible gas disposal REMONDIS Industrie Service offers a wide range of gas disposal services, encompassing various types of gases used in industrial and household settings. From refrigerant gases to domestic gas bottles, our recycling and disposal processes cover a broad spectrum. At our industrial recycling center in Bramsche, we are equipped to handle more than 300 different types of waste gases, including oxygen, propane, hydrogen sulphide, and hydrogen fluoride. Additionally, our Krautheim plant specializes in treating aerosols. With extensive experience and modern technology, REMONDIS is a trusted partner for all types of gases. Our expertise spans from common industrial gases to highly specialized varieties. For inquiries about specific gases, please contact us via email, providing the relevant details. Our team will promptly assess whether we can dispose of the gas in question and will reach out to you directly with further information.

An expert partner for all kinds of gases

As one of the leading names in waste gas disposal, REMONDIS has the technology and the expertise to treat over 300 types of gases, from common industrial gases to highly specialised varieties. Please e-mail us with the relevant details and we will be in touch directly to confirm whether we can dispose of the gas in question.

REMONDIS Industrie Service GmbH